Monday 15 July 2013

My uni life :)

I am studying foundation in business in Taylor's university lakeside campus
so luckily to meet all the friends are friendly and funny 
I'm here study from first of April
let enjoy the pictures I take in this few months :)
I come Taylor's study with this noobie haha
and we are same class!! so coincidence omggggg
 the new friend , jia xin :)
 the first time take lunch with my classmates and they are my buddies now
sherine and jessy :)
 the first time go jia xin room and she cooks for us ^^
from left sherine, karman, me, jessy, jescy and li wei :)
 campus hunt let us become buddies now, they are my hostel friends.
johnson, kerneng, jiaxin, sheryse, kinmoon, micheal, joanne,hanne, sherryn, shing ni, chee ying.
 the first group pic maybe? haha :)
 we always study together and suddenly take pic
 the cutest couple
 new friends old friends hangout together

the day we all wear black because of the dirty government 
 the first time take pic with classmates but not all
we didn't made an appointment to wear black actually, just coincidence haha
 my buddies
hui min, karman, jessy, chia yin and sherine
 the first time we hangout just because we want to eat KFC haha
random pic
 at U-lounge
 the monday i call them wear blue together ahha
 the group always sleep late and hungry then we go MCD 
 we keep take pic because we eight person go MCD by Ocean's car and meet police
then we pay the police rm100 because the car can't fetch eight person x)
 a pic after we finish our assignment 1 !
 you can see that we are really happy 
 the first time go classmate's (roy) house BBQ
the day really have fun
 the boy who always bully me
 my buddies :)

 Sherine fetch karman and me go supper ! haha
 i like this pic
 the first time sing k with my hostel buddies

 we are not rich, we just drink Starbucks when it is offering haha
 we become closer and closer ,day by day
the day we go IOI mall
 we promise to eat less at  the next day but fail haha
 the shapo
 tong pak fu
 we are young.
 the day we wear same shirt
we think we are so cool but we realize we are so noob hahaha

 my banana classmates
ya, is me call them wear yellow together haha
 mun fei, me , sherine, xin jie, shu qi
 take pic before sem break
ya we are sad to separate for one week and i'm really miss them when i'm in hometown
 they are so good to treat me Vsoy and chocolate just because i'm sad that day
 Our genius birthday!
ya he is clever but he didn't realize we give him this surprise haha!

the day we drink beer haha
 playing game


 drunk face? x)
 another hangout day
 tong pak fu again
 shushi zanmai
everytime go sunway must dinner or take lunch at shushi zanmai,is EVERYTIME!haha
 things we buy....

prepare for dye our hair 
 wat face ? lolll
 the face before sleep
the day is the first time we sleep together at hanne's room
can u imagine how we sleep at this super small room?!
but we are happy haha
 the next morning we wake up early for exercise

the day all of us wear red
ya, is me to call them wear red tooXD 
 huimin birthday :)
 make a wish 

 kien ee treat us Starbucks ^^
I'm the birthday girl :)

thank you william for the present 
another birthday cake from my buddies 
 they want give me a surprise but fail haha
 thank you all so much :)

 the birthday night vava come Taylor !
and she shock me when i open my door haha
 thank you all so much
I'm so luckily to met all of you 
the boy who birthday at 29/6
 crazy night

 my bff.
 1/4 of it let us play until another classroom come to tell us quite abit lolll


 healthy lifestyle
 the day hangout because buy present to huimin

 I'm fat and i know it haha
 the day hangout with jessy and huimin 
first time eat at BBQ plaza

 aunt look
 early celebrate for Dajian birthday

 nine persons in a car
 Amber with sea amber jelly 

first time go snowflake 

 meet Yumiwong
I really dont want think back that day because i'm so noob
and she is really so pretty, slim and friendly.

the boys who always say that we are short lolll

I have no regret to come Taylor's because i feel freedom at here
I can be a person who i want to be
I have no regret to leave LD and study at here but that didn't means that i didn't miss you guys

actually i miss you all

finally finish this long long post teehee...

#there is a lot of spelling or grammer mistake
pls forgive me
i'm still learning :) 

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